Have you every found yourself explain to out-of-towners how Connecticut, and especially Hartford, is actually an ideal location because you are equidistant between Boston and New York (and Providence to boot!)? Sure you have. We all say it. But honestly, there's nothing remotely convenient about 3 or more hours travel time (let's be realistic) and various expenses including gas, tolls, train or bus tickets, parking. And then if you do have a great night out in the city, you have to turn around and deal with all those hour on the ride home, when you should be sleeping, or stay over somewhere, and then your next day is pretty much shot. And there's really nothing cool about Boston to begin with, other than that sometimes our favorite bands play NYC and Boston, skipping over Hartford, and we just hate to miss a scene, you know?
Anyway, one of our favorite live bands,
Luther Wright & the Wrongs used to visit Hartford pretty regularly to play at the
Half Door. And then they stopped, and MySpace kept telling us they were playing in NYC, and we would think, "Oh, wouldn't it be fun to see Luther Wright again?" It would be totally be fun. Luther Wright writes his own very clever country tunes, and is also well known for his
countrifications of Pink Floyd tunes. So this Thursday, we decided to follow our hearts to New York City's Rodeo Bar and check out the show.
But before we could get to the action, we took a Metro North Train and saw this amusing graffiti:
Can you read that? It says: "That explains a lot!"
We don't know (or care) a thing about sports, but still, we say: LOL
Luther Wright traded sets with the
Jack Grace Band. Both songwriters are essentially country traditionalists, which we suppose makes them "alt-country" by todays standards. Our favorite part was Luther's "Broken Fuckin Heart," because nothing gets us going like a little casual vulgarity, and we like the juxtaposition of a bouncy melody with embittered lyrics. We also enjoyed Luther threatening to gay make out with his bass player (wait, maybe that was the best bit), and joking about being all stoned ('cause they're from Canada, eh). We talked to Luther about why he don't come to Hartford no more, and he was all "It's not you it's me, but maybe I'll come back to you one day baby."
The Rodeo Bar also had cute graffiti: