It has recently been brought to our attention that a blog (bloggers) that spends most of its free time and energy pursuing physical perfection at Bikram yoga and frequently recommends entertainment options based on performer "hottness" might be perceived as, well, a little bit shallow. But we'll have you know that we're totally intellectuals. It's just hardly anyone ever emails us anything but sexy trash.
Wait, what's this in our inbox? Evidence of brain activity at UConn, Torrington. This Monday (aka tomorrow), author Roxana Robinson will give an interview/discussion and book signing. Alright, now we're embarrassed. We haven't read her. We only read classics and drug lit. Robinson is the author of Sweetwater, Cost and This is My Daughter. Maybe you can tell us. The event is free and will take place at 6:30 p.m. in the Francis W. Hogan Lecture Hall.
And Wednesday evening, also 6:30 p.m. at the same venue, you can catch a documentary about the Amistad incident (CT historical link!), The Amistad Revolt: All we want is make us free, including a discussion with the film's producer/director, CT filmmaker Karyl K. Evans.
Well, that was exhausting. While you're at it in Torrington, be sure and check out our favorite superficial destinations, Brazen Betties and the Rocket food truck.
That looks great Katie, thanks for sharing!