We just love going to arty parties. There's something so sophisticated about getting drunk in a gallery instead of a bar. The next day when your mates at work ask you where you went out last night, they really missed you at Black Bear, and you're all "Oh, just this party at the premiere independent arts organization in Hartford," and then they all assume you're gay/deviant and you get passed over for promotion - nothing beats that! This month's Creative Cocktail Hour will feature a slide show (or "slam" as they like to call it - ooh, edgy) of work by various artists not obtuse or phallus-obsessed enough to be selected for an exhibition. YET! With practice and dedication, perhaps they too can one day hire professional stonemasons to build a wall in the gallery and say it's a comment about New England's heritage, in spite of looking nothing at all like a New England stone wall.
Mr. 306
4 years ago
OMG That wall....