It's amazing what can fly under the radar when you're livin' in The HC. And it's not just us, because we've spoken to others who are just as naive to some of the hip cultural activities you can find in Hartford. For instance, it just (really, like, 2 minutes ago) became apparent to us that there are actually 2 different gay film fests held at Cinestudio every year. The Connecticut Gay and Lesbian Film Festival is organized by Out Film Ct and takes place in the spring. The EROS (Encouraging Respect for All Sexualities) Film Festival opened earlier this week and is organized by a campus-based group.

Eight films will be shown over five days. It's already Thursday evening, so it's safe to say you only have three more tries to check out the festival. The most intriguing to us is the doc Still Black: A Portrait of Black Transmen. We're pretty sure you can infer the subject-matter from the title. That one plays Sunday, Nov. 8 at 2:30pm. The rest of the schedule can be found here.
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