Sunday, January 3, 2010

Almost Phoenix

Phoenix Records in Waterbury was a key music shopping point for me, especially during the late 90s, when it was the only place to go to buy (and discuss with a panel of experts) albums by then obscure and poorly distributed European metal bands. And later, as my tastes evolved, the only place to go to trade insults and indie rock recommendations with adorable Damon Marzano, who co-owned the store for years after buying out the eccentric entity known as The Professor (who was that guy?).
I heard from Phoenix partner Karl a while back that he was moving the store to Litchfield, but since I don't really have a "music budget" at the moment, and have enjoyed loads of free shit over the past several years as a music journalist, I hadn't checked in for a long time, or got the memo about Damon moving across the country. : (

Today I visited Karl's shop in Litchfield, which I hesitate to call "Phoenix Records" because Karl hesitates to call it that, though I think this self-denial is counterproductive, because what if I'm not the only one who was looking for the store? Point is, nobody really buys music anymore, and most of Karl's current business is stereo equipment sales under the name Puretone Audio. Nevertheless, the store still has racks of CDs, including metal and indie sections, and loads of interesting looking vinyl, new and old. And it's still messy. And you can enjoy a chat with Karl about how much Connecticut sucks for live music - more than ever before in his estimation. So if you want to buy some actual physical musical product the old fashioned way, why would go anywhere else but to this fine independent business?


  1. I think that's the same Karl I used to know back in the day.

  2. it's true - same karl, different year.

  3. My balls, your mouth. Oh yeah, I used to shop there too.

  4. Actually made it to the Litchfield location . I remember a jawbox poster and asking if it was for sale.. it wasn’t .. so I picked up a quadiliacha 10” and the next time I tried to go back.. it was closed. So I tried again and it was closed... then it was closed for good. Sad story. I shopped at the Waterbury store quite often anytime I was around upstate I would make a point to go always found something there.. what a beatiful time capsule I often dream of being in there again.. it’s only a dream though..

  5. We'll be opening a shop in Torrington under the name Revolution Records on the Fall of 2019. If you have any previously loved vinyl or CDs you're looking to be re-homed, particularly Rock, Metal, Prog or Punk, please let me know! You can find our page on FB under "Revolution Records - Torrington, CT"
